
Balance Sheet Assets
(Figures in 1000s of NOK)Note20222021
Non-current assets
Fixed assets
Equipment and vehicles, fittings and fixtures, etc.55 7648 132
Total fixed assets5 7648 132
Financial fixed assets
Pension plan assets423 91424 242
Total financial fixed assets23 91424 242
Total non-current assets29 67832 374
Current assets
Other receivables102 229 8483 527 783
Total receivables2 229 8483 527 783
Capitalised project development costs08 717
Loans to investment projects2, 116 470 6614 803 865
Investments in equities and funds2, 1114 940 61611 906 383
Other short-term Investments128 272 8997 996 748
Total investments29 684 17624 715 713
Bank deposits, cash and cash equivalents
Bank deposits, cash and cash equivalents125 499 6144 237 965
Total bank deposits5 499 6144 237 965
Total current assets37 413 63932 481 462
Total assets37 443 31732 513 835
Balance Sheet – Equity and liabilities
(Figures in 1000s of NOK)Note20222021
Equity and liabilities
Called and fully paid capital
Primary capital917 803 85315 813 989
Reserve capital96 152 5025 464 214
Total called and fully paid capital23 956 35521 278 203
Retained earnings
Surplus fund913 121 36810 861 015
Total retained earnings13 121 36810 861 015
Total equity37 077 72332 139 218
Provision for obligations and charges
Pension obligations559 95272 109
Total provision for obligations59 95272 109
Current liabilities
Accounts payable14 76111 753
Taxes1 3290
Unpaid government charges and special taxes13 71211 538
Grants from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs13168 859160 306
Other current liabilities14106 982
Total current liabilities305 642118 912
Total liabilities365 594374 617
Total equity and liabilities37 443 31732 513 835

Oslo, 8 May 2023

Brit Rugland

Åslaug Haga

Jarle Roth

Lasse David Nergaard

Tove Stuhr Sjøblom

Martin Skancke

Karoline Teien Blystad

Vidar Helgesen