
Loans to companies
(Figures in 1000s of NOK)Committed investmentHistorical costAccumulated loan loss provisionBook value
Financial Institutions4 673 1494 159 546-28 3134 131 233
Green Infrastructure19 7159 8579 857
Renewable Energy1 828 1481 450 193-48 6341 401 559
Scalable Enterprises1 213 632982 755-64 601918 155
Funds9 8579 8579 857
Climate Investment Fund991 266
Total loans8 735 7676 612 209-141 5486 470 661

By ‘committed investment’ is meant that there is an external commitment for a specific amount. For conversions to NOK, the exchange rate on the disbursement date is used for the part of the amount that is disbursed. The exchange rate at 31.12.2022 is used for the part that has not been disbursed.

Norfund makes a semi-annual assessment of each of the loans in the loan portfolio, including provisions for losses.

Loan loss provision and known loan losses

A loan is regarded as non-performing when borrower has not made due payments within 60 days of the due date. On balance sheet date Norfund had 6 (12 in 2021) non-performing loans with total interest and repayments due of NOK 126 million (NOK 115 million in 2021) and a total outstanding amount of NOK 157 million (NOK 275 million in 2021). Examples of default or losses are significant financial problems on the part of debtor, restrictions on foreign exchange transfers in countries in which debtor operates, debt settlement proceedings or winding up of a business.

Days past due dateAmount due
0-60*7 288
61–1204 963
121113 589
Total125 840

Loans are written down by up to 100% of the outstanding principal and accumulated interest, depending on the likelihood of the amount being repaid.

Three loans were considered partially lost, with a total loss of NOK 6.4 million.


Eight loans were repaid in the course of the year (12 in 2021), while one was converted into equity.

Equity investments in funds
(Figures in 1000s of NOK)Committed investmentHistorical costAccumulated loan lossBook value
Financial Institutions1 001 002606 937-41 963564 974
Green Infrastructure139 7040
Renewable Energy772 376177 872-5 696172 176
Scalable Enterprises189 51698 400-22 63775 763
Funds5 628 7422 890 109-518 2342 371 875
Total invested in funds7 731 3403 773 318-588 5303 184 788
Equity investments in companies
(Figures in 1000s of NOK)Committed investmentHistorical costAccumulated loan lossBook value
Financial Institutions5 112 2994 781 782-530 8644 250 919
Renewable Energy6 888 8525 976 355-258 9165 717 439
Scalable Enterprises1 907 1511 561 461-286 9141 274 547
Funds131 39191 330-6 38784 942
Climate Investment Fund1 143 827427 981427 981
Total invested in equity15 183 52012 838 908-1 083 08111 755 828

By ‘committed investment’ is meant that there is an external commitment for a specific amount. For conversions to NOK, the exchange rate on the disbursement date is used for the part of the amount that is disbursed. The exchange rate as of 31.12.2022 is used for the part that is not disbursed.

Accumulated loan loss provisions are accrued, not realised losses on portfolio investments.