
Bank deposits, cash and cash equivalents
(Figures in 1000s of NOK)20222021
Deposits in Norges Bank3 482 1603 256 120
Tax deductions11 7836 118
Ordinary bank deposits2 005 671975 726
Total bank deposits5 499 6144 237 965
The following bank deposits are earmarked for:
Grants from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (see note 13)168 859176 417
Climate Investment Fund1 567 1800
Other short-term Investments
(Figures in 1000s of NOK)20222021
Fixed-term deposits (1 to 6 months)1 797 0871 767 915
Lending to banks of excess liquidity in our markets2 059 0801 867 067
Bonds4 416 7314 361 787
Other short-term placements8 272 8997 996 769

As a consequence of the exit from SN Power, substantial liquidity became available and was placed in temporary investments: First, loans were extended to three banks with an average interest rate of 1.5% + LIBOR and a term of 5 years, with linear repayment after the first year. Second, USD deposits with fixed terms of 1–6 months were placed in banks.

In addition, Allianz has been commissioned to manage USD 500 million. The portfolio consists of highly liquid covered bonds and has a weighted credit rate of AA- and average term of 2.8 years. The portfolio is to be mainly invested in development banks, i.e. within the sector in which we operate ourselves. Up to 40% can be invested in other sectors, however, but the bonds must then meet the requirements of either being green and sustainable or having a social impact. Norges Bank’s Investment Management’s exclusion list is also applied. 38% of the portfolio is invested in euros and 7% in sterling, but hedged against USD by means of 3-month rolling futures contracts. Hedging contracts have been made for EUR 164.0 million and GBP 24.1 million.

The value of the portfolio has fallen in pace with rising expectations of higher key policy rates, and we expect further falls in the period ahead. However, Norfund intends to hold the portfolio until maturity, such that the average annual return is estimated at 1.5% for the life of the portfolio.

Instrument currencyFair value of instr. currencyHistorical cost in USDFair value in USDChange in valueBook value in NOK
Enterprises169 488150 640-18 8481 484 903
Financial InstitutionsEUR77 75693 10482 985-10 119818 004
USD30 37033 69830 370-3 328299 364
ManufacturingEUR2 8963 4083 091-31730 469
USD16 38118 70916 381-2 327161 476
SupplyEUR16 69120 56917 813-2 756175 588
Public authorities316 258288 201-28 0572 840 888
AgenciesEUR17 10820 42118 259-2 162179 983
USD24 89926 43524 899-1 535245 440
Local authoritiesEUR3 7074 3573 957-40139 001
Independent organisationsUSD7 1287 8577 128-72970 266
Supranational authoritiesEUR44 22352 70647 197-5 509465 233
GBP24 01230 96928 883-2 086284 710
USD157 878173 513157 878-15 6351 556 255
Cash and accrued interest9 2269 22690 941
EUR9971 0641 06410 492
GBP4545465465 386
USD7 6157 6157 61575 062
Total494 971448 067-46 9044 416 731